Sunday 22 October 2017

Explore and Explain

What is this? Explore this site and write a short note about it.

Deadline: 29.10.2017


  1. Good Evening Mam.

    LISTSERV is a mailing list program that was popular in the early days of the Internet. It was developed by Eric Thomas in 1985, but was not widely released until several revisions to make message distribution more efficient were created by him. The "Revised LISTSERV" program was released in June of 1986. It soon became the standard mailing list tool for BITNET, a network of United States universities. Simplicity and automation were the main reasons LISTSERV grew in popularity. For example, it works over standard email, meaning you do not need special software to use the service. It allows the user to subscribe and unsubscribe by simply sending an email to the correct email address. Once subscribed to a LISTSERV list, messages to all other members could be sent and also receive messages from everyone who is subscribed to the list. Subscriptions and message distribution are handled automatically by the LISTSERV program. LISTSERV provided an efficient medium for group discussions years before social media was available.

    Thank You Mam.

  2. Good evening mam,
    Listserv is the first electronic mailing list software launched in 1986.It is used to send the email to the list. It is implemented in IBM. Listserv is the easiest way for a group to stay in touch. A message sent in listserv sent by one person can be received by all. Listserv can be moderated or open. It is the earliest forms of the mail. It can be used for newsletters,alerts,special offers,meeting notices. It functions similar to UNIX. To add or remove the person in this form only it is possible on;y through the human list administrator.
    Listserv in Bitnic was a modified concept of Listserv was enhanced to provide automatic list management. It is also commonly seen as electronic mail list or e list. It acted as before social media prominently.Simplicity is the main reason to gain popularity. Message distribution are handled by the Listserv program.
    Thank you Mam

  3. Greetings ma'am,

    The link attached is a LISTSERV. It is a mailing list program that was popular in the early days of the Internet. It was developed by Eric Thomas in 1985, but was not widely released until he made several revisions to make message distribution more efficient. The "Revised LISTSERV" program was released in June of 1986.
    Simplicity and automation were the main reasons LISTSERV grew in popularity. For example, it works over standard email, meaning you do not need special software to use the service.
    Once you subscribe to a LISTSERV list, you can send messages to all other members and receive messages from everyone who is subscribed to the list. You send one email message to the “reflector” email address, and the software sends the email to all of the group’s subscribers.

  4. Good Afternoon mam

    LISTSERV has been used to refer to an electronic mailing list software applications in general but it is more properly applied to a few rarely instances of such software, which allows a sender to send one email to the list, and then transparently sends it to the addresses of the subscribers to the list.

    The founder of this software Listserv is Eric Thomas. It is an independent application and it has password security also.

    Thanks mam

  5. The term Listserv refers to the electronic mailing list software applications in general. It allows a sender to send one email to the list, and then transparently sends it on to the addresses of the subscribers to the list.The original Listserv software was known as BITNIC LISTSERV. This mailing list service was known as Listserv@Bitnic and quickly became a key service on the BITNET network. It is similar to Sendmail. In 1986, Éric Thomas developed an independent application, originally named "Revised Listserv" which was the first automated mailing list management application. By 1987, the users of the Bitnic Listserv had migrated to Thomas' version. Listserv was freeware from 1986 through 1993 and is now a commercial product developed by L-Soft, a company founded by Listserv author Éric Thomas in 1994.
    Thank you mam.

  6. LISTSERV is the original and industry standard email list management software. Continuously developed to meet the latest demands, LISTSERV provides everything you need to manage all of your opt-in email lists, including email newsletters, announcements, discussion groups and email communities. LISTSERV provided an efficient medium for group discussions years before social media was available. But as email evolved, so did mailing lists. Over the years, more complex mass mailing systems have largely taken the place of LISTSERV. Even so, several universities still maintain LISTSERV servers, many of which have tens of thousands of subscribers.
    The link I explored here is the speaking of influences on language. It contains one message from Maria plochocki and it also contain when the message was posted that is posted on 19th june 2011. It also have link to explore more. The link is

  7. Greetings Madam,

    It is an electronic mailing list. It is an application that distributes messages to subscribers on an electronic mailing list. Connect, Communicate and Collaborate is the motto of LISTSERV. They are the pioneer in the automated mailing list management application. Now, it is managed by L-Soft and they made it a commercial product. Actions like subscribe and sign out are done through email so it becomes user friendly. It is very flexible and secure too.
    People from anywhere can connect, communicate and collaborate to discuss on any topic under the sky. The appearance may be the only drawback of LISTSERV when compared to other social media forum. It may not fit the mobile users. It gives place for email marketing.

    Thank you madam.

  8. LISTSERV was the first software program to automate the administration of email lists. It is the most time-tested and reliable email list management product on the market today. A Listserv is a method of communicating with a group of people via email. Email lists are a great way to send emails to multiple recipients without have to manually enter every email address. They can be set up as either open or closed lists, which determines whether or not people can subscribe to a particular list, or if they must be added by a list administrator. People join because they share a common interest. That shared interest might be a hobby, recreational pursuit, educational, work-related, or health related. Or it might just be members of a family keeping in touch.

    People can get on and off (subject to the list owner’s approval) by themselves. There are separate email addresses for these administrative functions. There are also different types of mailing list.LISTSERV is the only software of its kind with built-in virus protection, offering another layer of email list and subscriber inbox protection. Although LISTSERV refers to a specific mailing list server, the term is sometimes used incorrectly to refer to any mailing list server. Hence, this mailing list is different from other list server and there are also other mailing list like LISTERV.

  9. Hello mam,
    The link attached here is a Listserv. Generally, Listserv is an application that distributes messages to subscribers on an electronic mailing list. Similarly, in this site, many recipients can express their ideas and views on any list out of their interest. Here, if a person wants to take part in discussion in any of the lists in the site or if a person wants to be a member of this site, he/she has to subscribe. The details of subscription are there in 'Subscribers Corner'. if you become a member of this site, you can create a separate list for discussion. You can add your email in this site and become a part of any discussion on any list under any subject. We have Archives where earlier posts or discussions are saved with Listname, date, month and year. Subscribers can share a link, video, e-book, articles,etc for discussion. If a recipient posts an article on a particular topic in a list, it was followed by another recipient who shares his/her views about the same topic. For example, a subscriber Richard Haswell has posted his comment in a list "Writing Program Administration" where he discusses about "writing and technology". In this page, we can see his name,date and content type. The content which he shared is a plain text of 40 lines.In archive, his post was saved under "January 2011". This discussion in this list was continued by Steve Krause who talks about "Disagreements between Writing and Technology". The content type attached by him was a plain text. in this way, the subscribers can choose their content type like plain text, links, videos,etc for discussion. E-mails are not visible in public archives. If you login as a subscriber, the emails of the other recipients will be visible.
    Thank you.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The explored site is LISTSERV.
    LISTSERV is an electronic mail list management software and a program that provides automated mailing list functionality. It is an efficient medium for group discussions by providing email address to LISTSERV based on the users’ interest. Users can subscribe and unsubscribe by simply sending an email to the correct email address. List subscribers can read and send messages via e-mail or through the web interface. Once you subscribe to a LISTSERV list, you can send messages to all other members and receive messages from everyone who is subscribed to the list. While traditional email is ideal for one-on-one interaction, LISTSERV advances by disseminating a single message simultaneously to a group of people. Though sending group email is available, LISTSERV is efficient, as it is an open platform that can be subscribed by anyone.

    Thank you, Ma'm.

  12. Good Morning mam,
    Delayed due to technical issues from my my end, LISTSERV: It is an electronic mailing list. The original Listserve software was known as BITNIC LISTSERVE. In 1986, Eric Thomas developed an independent application called “Revised Listserve” was released , after several revisions. LISTSERVE provides an efficient medium for group discussions before the arrival of social media. It is the earliest form of the mail to stay in touch with their group. But as soon as email evolved, more mailing systems have taken the place of Listserve. But still, many universities have thousands of subscribers.

    A type of electronic mailing list, allowing for distribution of email to many subscribers. It was developed by Eric Thomas in 1985. The LISTSERV software was also known as BITNIC LISTSERV. The software automatically manages all subscription, sign-offs, bounces, and archives, with full support for double opt-in and email best practices. The password protected interface keeps the email list system completely secure.Though electronic mailing lists are not as popular as they once were, they continue to be used today due to their ease of use.
    Thank you Mam.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Greetings Mam,

    LISTSERV by L-Soft is e-mail list management software. It offers a variety of e-mail list types including announcement-only and discussion groups (moderated or unmoderated). It allows list owners to maintain their lists through e-mail or web-browser interfaces. List subscribers can control personal list settings through a simple web interface. The list archives are available online. List subscribers can read and send messages via e-mail or through the web interface. 
    Listserv offers the following:
    •Moderated lists
    •Allows users to self-subscribe or unsubscribe
    •Allows non-University of Iowa subscribers
    •Provides online archives
    •Allows you the list-owner, to administer the list yourself
    •Provides a facility to advertise your list publicly.

  16. HI MAM

    The term Listserv (written by the registered trademark licensee, L-Soft International, Inc., as LISTSERV) has been used to refer to electronic mailing list software applications in general,it is originally called LISTSERV@BITNIC but is more properly applied to a few early instances of such software, which allows a sender to send one email to the list, and then transparently sends it on to the addresses of the subscribers it is automated mailing list and it has to many versions now, it is LISTSERV 16.0 is last one. It is used as teaching center for students but now it is meant for students also. Anyone can send thousands of email to anyone more than that it can ‘AWABCS’ It can be short or long based on the writers. It is free now foe all. This is one eg of this

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    Table of Contents: 2 videos: Students Today, and Social Media 2011 (1 message)
    2011 CWPA Conference program is now available! (2 messages)
    2011 CWPA Conference Registration--The Clock is Ticking (2 messages)
    A Graduate-Level Writing Center (4 messages)
    it can also give feeling of gmail such as date, time, content saved in the mail itself.

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