Thursday 3 August 2017

A list of articles on history of technology is given below: Choose any one of the links, paste it in your browser address bar and click enter. Read the article / watch the video and write a short summary of it and post it in the blog.

No articles/ videos should be left out!


Ph.D scholars can take either of the articles / videos for writing their summaries.
Deadline for posting your summary in the blog is 11th August 2017.

Any clarifications you can ask or whatsapp me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry Mam. I think my comment didn't upload properly. Henceforth, I deleted the comment and have posted it again below. Thank You Mam.

  2. Good Evening Mam. This is Sudharshan.K

    I have chosen the 7th link It is an article written by Michael Rice, Director of Information Technology, Ocean First Education. The title of the article is “Evolution of Technology in Education, Part 3: Modern Technology in the Classroom”.

    This article briefly discusses about the role played by technology in enhancing the material resources for the students. During the commencement of the internet, unless the user knew the address of a site or was able to locate a catalog of comparative sites, there was no way of searching for good sources to obtain information. In the mid to late 1990s that changed with the broad use of search engines. Similarly as the printing press took into account the mass printing and dispersion of books, search engines provided the ability search in a well defined manner. This enabled the students to search for more comprehensive content. As computers became more affordable, new teaching aids subsequently developed. From projectors to show slideshows to surveying fringe gadgets, innovation was executed in novel routes in the classrooms to improve students learning capabilities.

    The article stresses that student’s needn’t be confined to a classroom since they are online schools etc. that enable the students to study from their home and subsequently caters the need at all levels. Technology doesn’t remain stagnant. It evolves and thereby allows the user too to get updated to the next level. The implementation and the benefit of AI (Artificial intelligence) are also delineated. With AI, programs are developed to perform a specific task, which are being utilized for a wide range of activities and is of great use to the student community.

    The article finally concludes that innovation has been under development all through the ages and it has further profoundly affected proliferation of data. Innovation has enabled students of any age to get to a regularly growing pool of data in a considerably more effective approach.

    1. very comprehensive but needs better organization. did the article refer how modern technology can be used for education?

    2. Good Evening Mam.

      Yes Mam. The article throws insight into how modern technology is used for education. We can state that technology is causing education to improve overtime and has been catching with the trend of educational technology. Gradually, as technology was embraced and incorporated by the educational institutes around the world, the importance of technology in education was realized. With technology, educators, students and parents have a variety of learning tools at their fingertips. Teachers can collaborate to share their ideas and resources on-line. Students can develop valuable research skills at a young age. Students and teachers have access to an expanse of material and finally on line learning is now an equally credible option.

  3. Good day ma'am. This is Swetha. I've chosen the 8th link Technology is undoubtedly the most impacting influences in any field, needless to say education. This interesting article by Dr. Katherine McKnight is about how technology has changed the face of learning. She has discussed twelve most influential and noticeable differences in the mode of learning between the pre-technology and technology era. A lot of things have disappeared, many others have been replaced by newer methods. They are briefed below.
    One major aspect to be noted is that with rise of technology, students' perception of audience has expanded worldwide. Communication through technology has given rise to an altogether new dialect of its own which mostly consists of abbreviations that many adults find difficult to comprehend. Rather, they have become common day-to-day usages. Web tools have made life a lot easier and enjoyable for students; Glogster, Livebinder etc. to name a few.
    Textbooks too have taken new shapes and forms by joining hands with technology. They are much more than mere text and pictures printed on pages. E-books have also become the trend recently.
    Classrooms are no longer restricted to the four walls in a building. There are extended classroom communities online, that provide a platform where discussions and learning can happen. Gradual disappearance of chalks and blackboards, advent of tablets, smart classrooms etc has changed the face of learning, a great deal. Technology has also helped make research easier and less time consuming because it offers every bit of information at the click of a finger.
    Dr. McKnight ends her article by stating the universal appeal of technology advancement- that is, it meets the needs of all learners and facilitates everyone to acquire knowledge.

    1. Goood! what would be your personal preference - printed textbook or ebook? Why?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry ma'am. I think I slightly misunderstood your question. I failed tonnitice that you had asked about textbooks in particular. I'm adding my edited comment here.
      Regarding textbooks, my personal suggestion would be printed ones. Until and unless the students realise the importance of quality education and the positive changes technology can bring about in it, there's a tendency for children to misuse gadgets such as tablets or iPads or kindle through which they can access ebooks. It's the duty of the parents and teachers to educate them about this and the duty of the student to understand this.
      Once the students have attained the maturity to distinguish between 'using' and 'misusing' technology, ebooks can very well be introduced. Moreover I feel it's always advisable to leave this debate open ended, and make the students get used to both kinds.

    4. To notice** (first line)

  4. Good evening mam, this is Gayathri. I have chosen the 5th link In this article prof. Raja Bandaranayake talks about the brief history of the development of teaching aids and the development of teaching and learning process. The shift from the equipments such as sticks, sand to the equipments computer and tablets, mobile are vast. It was discussed that the process of writing was started from more than 5000 years ago by the Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia. The Egypt then produced Hieroglyphic scripts. In Greek Archimedes produced first documented teaching machines to teach astronomy. Then there is a need to provide information to large number of audience at one time, so the invention of teaching boards are exists in the society. In 1801 James Pillans head of the school and geographical teacher introduce large piece of slate to teach the students.
    The invention of green and black board was taken place during late 1960s made with steel plate which could be used for long time. The white boards were introduced in 1980s in which the white board pens were used for writing. The interactive boards were introduced in the end of 2000 which is connected to projector which connects with laptop or computers. In 1420 Johannes de Fontana invented magic lanterna which is the base for others to produce the projecting teaching aids. Then the epidiascope was invented which magnifies the transparent and opaque images. In epidiascope there are two positions ,the one is epi-position in which the opaque and flat objects are projected for example:textbooks, the another one is dia-position in which the slides can be projected. In 1870s Jules Dubosqcq, french optican invented an instrument to project images from horizontal surface onto a vertical screen.
    In 1984 Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin invented the first version of PowerPoint called Presenter and the microsoft released the first version of software in 1990. It makes the teachers to teach easily by using the PowerPoint slides in which both drawing and writing can be done. The inventions of these kind of teaching materials makes interesting among the students which enables them to learn effectively. In 2005 the modern version of learning takes place which is known as M-Learning. In M-Learning the students were very familiar to access the device through which they can learn easily.
    Although the technology was in a vast development that in the field of education it can't be replace the teacher because without the effective interaction between teacher and student the learning is fragment or incomplete. Each invention have some drawbacks , the black and green board had a drawback of creating dust in the class room which affects respiratory system, the softwares and computer teaching aids can't be access without the power supply. So whatever may be the technology in education , without teacher the teaching can't be fulfilled. The doubts can be clarified only with the help of the teachers but not with the equipments.

    1. very detailed! Can u give 3 disadvantages in using powerpoint in classroom teaching?

    2. Sorry for the late reply mam just now I saw your question. The disadvantage of using PowerPoint is that the students simply look at the ppt and Not listening to the lectures sometimes . Next the students thought that everything is on the slides so there is no need to take notes when the teacher taught in a class room . The third is if the teacher is unknown of ppt and using slides effectively then the students not able to understand the concept which the teacher taught in a classroom.

  5. Gud eve mam this is shakthi vendhan.I have chosen This explains us the history of technology that is being employed in teaching language to its learner. It explains how technology replaced even the normal chalk piece by a stylus, which made learning interesting and self initiative.
    Then it tries to sketch the evolution that the technology in learning took. It discusses the usage of modern equipments such as calculators and IBM's invention of first computer that started the technology in learning. The emergence of WWW is also discussed. This article also explains the interference of social media and it's impact in teaching and learning the language.
    This article moves on to the next step called Technology today. This explains the usage of technology in today's world. It provides various informations such as parents conference meet, etc.This explains the usage of technology in the present learning and teaching world

    1. Brief summary! it does outline what the article says but very brief outline! what do you mean by 'interference of social media'? is it your coinage or author's? why this specific word is used for social media?

  6. A brief history of the Evolution of classroom technologies.

    Good night,ma'm. This is janani priya.I have chosen the second article This article encapsulates the evolution of classroom technologies from 1860's to the present day. The exponential growth of technology in education, has made a vast change in the learning methods. Incorporating technology into classrooms has not only helped the students, to access the particular information or study materials, but technology also helps the students to update themselves and to be aware about the wide range of informations, which can be used for their studying purpose. It helps them to enhance their learning in a better way. The main purpose of technology is that, it makes learning easy and interesting.

    This article lists out various technologies used in the classroom from 1860's. It starts with the traditional chalk and board method to the present day virtual reality and learning methods. It further discuss the new technologies which are introduced recently and the technologies which are going to be introduced in the future and about the five tech trends that would supercharge the education.

    The five trends are discussed below. First, it takes up virtual reality its growth and its impact in the future. Second, the article discusses about the 3D Printers, which has faced tremendous growth in the recent days and about its uses. Third, it deals with IOT ,which stands for Internet of things, it's development and impact. It also pinpoints the usage of IOT in the recent days in education and various fields. Fourth, It focuses on wearable technologies and how these wearable technologies would be used in the field of education by the students. It also postulates that this wearable technologies would prevail more in the field of education in future . Fifth, it emphasizes the importance of technology in the field of education. It places the point that Technology enhances learning in a better and interesting way.

    This article concludes with the point that technology should be accessible to all the students which in turn would help the students to achieve better in the future. Hence, using technology in classrooms would help to assist the students better and it would make the learning more easy, interesting and fun.

    1. good summary! can u give a few examples on how 3D printers are being used today?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Good night ,mam. Yes, mam. The examples on how 3d printers are used in the recent times is discussed below. 3d printers, are used widely in the field of education, apart from that it is also used in the other fields like engineering, medicine, aerospace and other important fields. It covers almost all the important fields. Particularly, when it comes to the field of education, 3d printers Plays a vital role, example if a student in botany class has not seen a particular leaf or flower, using 3d printers the teacher can take a print out of the original leaf which is not made of paper but an original leaf which is made of epidermis. This may be shocking to many but it is true. One can also built a building using 3d printers. Through these examples one can see that 3d printers has reached the next level of human life.

  7. Good Evening Mam,
    This is Ramu.K, your part-time Ph.D scholar mam.
    I have chosen the first topic “The Evolution of Technology in the Classroom”. In this article what I explored is that mere chalk and talk do not helpful. Technology brings variety in teaching learning process. Technology based classroom facilitate the students with ease.
    In those days students were taught through ‘ink – horn books’ which means wooden paddles with printed lessons. It will assist students in learning verses. Over 200 years later, in 1870, technology advanced to include slide projector that project images printed on glass. During 1920s new mode of learning is emerged that is Radio. Any student within listening range can learn.
    After this, The Skinner Teaching Machine produced a combination of teaching and testing, which provide reinforcement for correct answers so that the student can move to the next lesson.
    This article concludes with my own point that “an ounce of experience is better than a tonne of theory”. In this way every students learn the concept by experience.
    Thank you mam.

    1. did the article stop with SKinner's teachign machine? No mention of modern tools? Regarding your last quote, are you saying technology provides you experience? Give instances when technology has given you practical experience.

  8. Where are others' comments? pls respond to my queries.

  9. Good Evening Ma'm, this is Mounika I have chosen the 9th article, Tonybates, the author of this article, traces the history of the evolution of educational technology from oral communication to the social media in the means of communication. Technology has gained its importance, from the secondary stage to the primary, in all forms of teaching. There are arguments about the importance of technology in the field of education for about 2500 years. Bible traces the use of technology that Moses used chiseled stone to convey the Ten Commandments.
    Oral communication is believed to be one of the earliest means of teaching. In ancient times, the stories, histories and folklore, etc., were transmitted from one generation to the other through oral communication. Ancient Greeks believed in oral tradition than the writing. Even in 5th B.C., written documents existed in ancient Greece. Accordingly, the writer quotes Socrates to portray how he believed in learning through listening. Handwritten manuscripts were available even in 1200 A.D., but, writing is so labour intensive at that time and only meager amount of copies were available in libraries. Since the students were inaccessible to those manuscripts, oral tradition was in an elevated stage. Slate boards were in use in India during 12th century. Chalkboard and blackboard came into existence in the 18th century. After the Second World War, overhead projectors became famous until the electronic projectors came into existence. Later the power point and presentational software became common. It is noted that these technologies were not invented for the purpose of education. Though telephone existed since 1870, this system never came into use for educational department. Video-conferencing using dedicated cable systems and conferencing rooms has been in use since 1980. Video compression technology and relatively low cost video servers led to the introduction of lecture capture systems for recording and streaming classroom lectures in 2008. Webinars now are used largely for delivering lectures over the Internet.
    Written communication also has its own long history in the field of education. Even though Socrates believed in the oral tradition, written communication is unique in its manner. Introduction of printing press, in 15th century, resulted a rapid development in education and the literacy rate increased due to it. Availability of transport and postal system during 19th century led to the development of formal correspondence education.
    Textual communication became the main communication medium for Internet-based learning with the development of Web-based learning management system in 20th century.
    Later, BBC began broadcasting educational radio programs during 1920s. Later, television came into existence in the field of education. The use of television spread around the world which became a panacea for education in developing countries. Satellite broadcasting became available in India since 1980s. India still uses tele-education in remote areas. Digital compression and high-speed internet resulted in easy way of accessibility through internet.
    Computer based learning reduced the intervention of human in teaching. B.F.Skinner’s teaching machines were one of the first forms of computer based learning. The latest modes of learning include MOOC and PLATO. The Artificial Intelligence failed in teaching method because in it inaccessible for the machines to cope with the ideas of learners. WWW was introduced in the year 1991. Later, one of the primary search engines, Google emerged.
    Though social media is a sub-category of computer technology, it has its own importance in the history of educational technology. It Includes blogs, wikis, you tube videos, face book, etc.,
    The learners of contemporary period are used to the technology available through social media and it has a great impact in education.Hence this article concludes that internet as a paradigm shift in terms of education technology.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Good evening Mam,
    This is Pallavidevi from M.Phil.,
    I have chosen the sixth article.
    The article addresses issues such as how and to what extent technology has been incorporated into education over time. The given brief history of technology in education gives us many interesting facts which have led us to where we are today. Forty years is quite a long time to look into the whole history of technology in education. The use of technology in education starts with a blackboard to the introduction of modern classroom. In recent times, modern technology has brought vast improvements in teaching and which in turn has also changed the role of the teacher. At present world, even students expect the use of modern technology in the classroom as a norm. For them, world is nothing without it. The article drives the fact that modern technology makes students to learn and understand things easy and interesting with lot more fun. So, the final thought of this article is an understanding that education and technology is inseparable.

  12. Mam, this is Ashlin. I have chosen the 10th link. It tells about the history of technology and how it was used in classroom teaching. The term "techne" from ancient Greek refer the process of applying knowledge systematically to the practical art of instruction. Technology is commonly thought of in terms of gadgets, instruments, machines and devices and most of the educators will refer the technology as computers, said by Muffoletto. During the Middle Age, Abelard introduced a new method of structuring and presenting materials. Comenius, Pestalozzi, Froebel etc... Contributed on technology that improving educative process. 19th century paved the way for technological development like visual instruction movement, publication of audio-visual media texts, the development of 16 mm sound motion picture etc. During world war ii the US government encouraged the implementation of technology. The invention of Abacus, computers, mini computers, internet etc makes the education method more effective. The inventions differs from generation to generation. They connect the world with the help of the development such as www, mosaic etc.. In 21 st century it focused on computers and Internet that helps in classroom teaching. Modern Educational technology like computers were first used in public schools and then in colleges and in Universities. Microcomputers are also used in teaching field. Day to day the invention of new software increased. The internet and the www used in schools by the teachers makes the classroom more interactive and powerful. Teaching the students with modern technology is valuable . It concludes that the educators must keep pace with the technological advances, because by times it changes in the modern world. Teachers should be alert about the changes in technology and keep in touch to make the identity of the classroom more effective and valuable.

  13. Good Evening Mam. This is sangeethapriya. I have chosen the 1st article namely " The evolution of technology in the classroom with the following link I have put forth a brief summary for your kind perusal.In an era of communication and technology, teaching with technology becomes a compulsive drug . Wooden paddles and magic lanterns are replaced today by smart pens and vimeo. If 1920s and 1930s gave importance to audio and video through the introduction of Radio and OHP, 1940s and 1950s prioritized ball pens, videotapes and headphones. There was a notable change with the introduction of photocopier, skinner’s teaching machine, calculators and scantron system of testing during 1970s. The U.S department of education intimated the need for introducing some system which could provide an immediate response for managing and testing numerous students at a time in schools and colleges. As per the words of Time Magazine, Personal computers hit every home in order to create a technological revolution in education. In 1984 and 85 Apple and Tosibha introduced infamous Mac and laptops respectively. The development of world wide web and HTML and the commercialization of internet paved way for invention and global communication. Computers, laptops, smart phones, iPods, ipads and digital cameras has turned out to be Personal Digital Assistants for modern man. Social media was being recognized as an accepted form of educational forum with the introduction of My space (2003), Facebook (2004),Twitter (2007) in spite of their short comings. In future, it is possible to alter the course material depending on the physical and biometrical needs of the students with the introduction of Bio-matrics. A real world learning experience will be made possible for all with introduction of Google Glasses which uses Augmented Reality. If one needs success in educational field, one has to expand his educational capabilities and researches by using the vast electronic information that is available for a mere touch. Avoiding the usage of technology is like blindfolding oneself for preventing the heat of the sun. Thank you mam.

  14. Hello Mam,
    I've chosen the third article. This article by Jeff Dunn traces the evolution of technology in class room. Jeff gives an outline idea about the technological tools, how these tools are used, when the tools are discovered, the year of its discovery and efficiency. The first technology is HORNBOOK, a wooden pad with printed lessons , discovered in 1650, during the colonial era. From 1850-1870 we have FERULE, a pointer used to write letters. Then MAGIC LANTERN , a slide projector which projects images on glass plates , is introduced in 1870. we have SCHOOL SLATE in 1890, which is used by the children to improve their writing skills and this tool is widely used throughout the 19th century. one of the biggest innovations in technology is CHALKBOARD , introduced in 1890. PENCIL is introduced in 1900 and it should be a used widely in U.S throughout 19th century.During this period papers and pencils were manufactured highly and this technology replaced the schoolslate. In 1905 STEREOSCOPE, a three dimensional tool, is introduced by keystoneview company. In 1925, Film Projector is introduced.the invention of projectors created an impact that books will soon be obsolete in schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye. RADIO is invented in 1925.New York City’s Board of Education was actually the first instituition to send lessons to schools through a radio station. “schools of the air” began broadcasting programs to millions of American students during the next couple of decades.In 1930, OVERHEAD PROJECTOR is introduced. this tool is used in U.S. military for training purpose and later introduced in schools and some instituitions throughout the country. Many new tools like Ballpoint pen(1940),Mimeograph(1940),Headphones(1950),Slide rule(1950),Videotapes(1951),Reading Accelerator(1957),Skinner Teaching Machine(1957),Educational Television(1958), Photocopier(1959),Liquid Paper(1960),Filmstrip Viewer(1965),Plato Computer(1980),CD-ROM Drive(1985)were introduced over several years.In 1985 Hand-Held Graphing Calculator is used to do long equations in mathematics. The chalkboard was replaced by whiteboard in 1999.In 2006, we have LAPTOP, which replaces computer and it is portable , weighs light and has much storage capacity.
    we have a latest invention in 2010, APPLE IPAD, which makes every information at our fingertip and availble at anytime.
    Thank You.

    I have choosen tenth link as ( This is just like prezi which helps reader to find simple in learing history or any other things in short not loosing the main content. i have been found easy to learn technology but it has taken much time to quick avialibility of technology as well as courseware for students in colleges and schools. while reading (history of edu technology), many new things came out as evalution of technology in periodical wise and impact of tech in educational institution had serious/continious process to implement it, the main aim has to teach edu in technological base. There were too many exports involed to creat software.Technology means of applying knowledge systamatically to the pratical art of instruction than it was slowly changed as scentifical way of learning method,afterwards it had may visual, audio, compter learning, e-learning, mainframes, minicomuters, microcomputers and system,internet,robotics.The first person Marc Amdreessan created a software as Mosaic, HTML,Nets than with this help it smart house, wearable computers, advanced robitics in commonplace, individual education has came into existing in ,any part of world. During this 21st cen teachers were taken less effort to teach and make them understand, it had created a easy method of teaching a lesson,giving homework,correcting. Both can involve in education anytime,anyplace with certain time limitation for student response not for teachers. There were too many methods in technology as AECT, ISPI, ITEA, ISTE implemented for learners and trainers and the mainframe had played huge role.This was first used in MIT(1950) for pilot training with the help of computer as stimulator,second as (CAL and CAI) in schools and colleges. There were too many new things such as ITCCIT, IPI, PLATO in midle of the period. After microcomputers and systems has came into existing as Apple 2, Commodore pet, TRS. The modern computers were emerged and modern education technology history such as MECC, EPIC, microsift, courseware,computer library. The materials for school, colleges are also available in this.

    This is important to know about History of Educational Technology.

  16. These days, tablets, computers and Smartphones run our lives, but in a short time, the market has exploded with technology more than most people can imagine and to the point that they cannot imagine being without it. To understand the evolution of this technology from the dark ages to today, you should began with understanding how it evolved. Technology was born out of a purpose. An example would be in the creation of search engines, which are used to sift through all the massive quantity of online data. my review here


Evaluating a website

We have discussed about this briefly. giving you more details for reading i am uploading this ppt too.  This is an embedded Microsoft Off...