Wednesday 23 August 2017

Blended learning: lesson idea

Dear Students
Please post your lesson plans for blended learning here. You need to write what topic you would like to teach, which part would you like to teach F2F and which part online? Justify your choice.


  1. Good Evening Mam.

    I have chosen the poem “The Tyger” by William Blake for study in order to motivate the students to write poems. I have chosen the Rotation Model and have used Lab Rotation to explain and express my idea. The following is the lesson plan that I have created for this purpose.

    Name of the Title:- “The Tyger” – William Blake from the ‘Songs of Experience’.

    Aim of the Class :- To motivate and make students to write poems on their own,particularly on the topics such as nature, life etc.

    Time :- 50 Minutes (1 Period)

    Materials :- Use of audio visual technology, PPT’s , photocopy of the poem,
    charts, photos.

    Level :- Eighth Standard/ Grade

    Procedure :- The Method to be used for this purpose of study under Blended Learning is the Rotation Model and the Lab Rotation is to be employed for this study.

    The class of fifty will be divided into groups of two (25 in each group). One group are assigned to the classroom and other the Language Lab.

    The group at the classroom will be supervised by the teacher itself.The teacher will conduct a brainstorming session for the first ten minutes. This session will include showing a picture of tiger drawn
    on a chart paper or a photograph will be shown asking the students to come out with their ideas on seeing them. After the session, the students will be made aware that the main task for showing them these charts and photos was to make them to get warmed up to understand the poem “The Tyger” written by William Blake. The teacher would give photocopies of the poem to each student and
    explain the poem by reading it and further give a background information on the author. This process would go on thirty minutes.

    The group assigned for the language lab will be supervised by the teacher’s assistant. The assistant would show a video of the tiger hunting in the forest and further a brainstorming session would be conducted for the purpose of getting information on what the students have learned on seeing the visual. Then the students will be apprised on the Poem “The Tyger” and a youtube video that recites the poem will be played. The assistant will use the PPT that contains the verses of the poem and explain the content and meaning of the poem.Just like the classroom, the first ten minutes
    will be used for the brainstorming session and thirty minutes for teaching the poem.

    All the students will once again be grouped in the classroom during the final 10 minutes and the teacher will explain that the main purpose for teaching “The Tyger” was to motivate the students to author poems and bring out the creative ideas and thoughts by writing small poems.

    Extension Activity :- The students are asked to write a poem on topics relating to nature, life as an assignment and the deadline for the submission of would be given. The students will be assessed and evaluated on
    various aspects such as the rhythm, sensory images, emotional intensity etc.


    Thank You Mam.

    1. What is the logic behind your lab activity? Showing a visual of tiger hunting - how relevant is it?

    2. Good Evening Mam

      The main purpose behind showing the visual of a tiger hunting or performing some task in the forest is to allow the students to imbibe the visual image of the tiger. But it should be done before the recital of the poem from a youtube source. This will not only motive the students to generate newer thoughts but also enable them to automatically improve their imagination in writing poems.

      Thank You Mam

  2. Greetings Madam,

    Lesson Plan
    This task tries to develop the (creative) writing skill of the tertiary level students through Aesop's Fable.
    Title: The Tortoise and the Hare from Aesop’s Fables
    Aim: To develop the (creative) writing skill of the students
    Time: 50 Minute Class
    Materials: Text of the story with pictures prescribed for kindergarten students, Videos of the different versions of the stories available in youtube:
    Level: Tertiary Level Students
    Strength: A class of 70 from an Arts and Science College
    Method Adopted: Rotation Model – Station Rotation
    The teacher will start with a group discussion on the various fables which the students have come across from their kindergarten. The teacher will persist that the discussion will be on the stories with animals/birds/insects as central figures. At the end of every story the moral of the story will be insisted.
    Later, the students will be given the copy of the story “The Tortoise and the Hare” which is prescribed to the kindergarten students. The students will be asked to give a reading to have a look at the vocabulary and grammar. It is easy to understand the story or the minor event in the story through the pictures provided there.
    Now, the online learning starts. The students are asked to watch the two videos in the same order. The first one is the mere repetition of fable. The second video is with subtitles and it is a bit creative. It has prolonged the story and it has given three different endings of the story. In one of the ending it has taught professional ethics like team work. Now, after watching these two videos the students are asked to prolong the story in their own words. It may be a repetition or own creation.
    Regarding the independent work the students will be given another story like “The Lion and the Mouse” and will be asked to give the continuation. The teacher shall create interest on such activity by motivating the attempt of the students.
    Extension Activity:
    The students will be asked to find out various fables with animals as the central characters. Their task is to extend the story and bring out new teachings from it and be more creative.

    Thank you madam.

    1. creative writing idea sounds good. but using aesop fables for tertiary level learners???

    2. Greetings Madam,
      It's because under the assumption that the students are already familiar with the story. Now they are only going to concentrate on the language skills. If it is some other story the teacher has to teach the story first. So considering the time and easiness I have chosen the Aesop fables madam.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Where are other lesson plans???

  5. Good morning ma’am. I have chosen Malala’s speech and a short chapter from her book “I am Malala”, in order to teach listening and speaking skills to the students of tertiary level. Lab rotation method will be used for effective implementation of tasks. The following is the lesson plan for the class.

    Title: “I am Malala”
    Aim of the class: To enable students to enhance their listening skills, to enable them to think practically and discuss about current issues like empowerment for education,
    Time: 100 minutes (2 periods. 50minutes+50minutes)
    Materials: An audio clip of the speech delivered by Malala Yousufzai at UN Youth Assembly, handouts containing a short excerpt titled ‘Who’s Malala’ from the book “I’m Malala”, worksheets containing questions for post-listening tests
    Level: Tertiary level (here particularly first year engineering students)
    Procedure: The method that will be used here is Lab Rotation model under Blended learning.
    The class of 50 students is divided into two (25 in each). One group, say A is taken to the language lab and made to listen to the speech (approximately 18-20 minutes) delivered by Malala. An assistant will supervise them there.
    Meanwhile the other group B is asked to sit in class, and read the handout given to them which has the excerpt from Malala’s book. The teacher supervises the classroom and makes sure that everybody reads the handout. The students are given around 15-20 minutes time to read and understand the excerpt well.
    This process is reversed and conducted again with group B in language lab and A in class.
    By the end of first hour the students would have become familiar with both the audio and the reading material. The worksheets are then distributed to them and they contain basic activities related to listening skills (for example, filling the blanks based on the audio, comprehension, etc). The answers will be then discussed in class. At least one student from every bench is prompted to answer, rather than mass answering or same child answering all questions. This activity will take about 15 minutes of the second period. After this the teacher and students involve in a brief discussion on Malala’s battle for getting education, her achievement as the youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner. The discussion will be based on whatever they’ve read and listened to during the first period, and also their previous knowledge about her. This discussion will help the students collate their points better in the brain storming session that is to follow (10 minutes). The students are divided into small groups and asked to put down their ideas about need for proper education in this 21st century, ways to empower students. One from each group is asked to present their ideas in front of the class (15 mins).
    Extension activity: The students are asked to listen to one of the speeches by any of their favourite orator, YouTube and summarise the main points of the talk. (The students are free to use language lab if they do not have access to internet or computer at home). The dead line of one week is given to them.

    1. hi
      looks good. very comprehensive. only 2 questions. your lesson plan needs a preparatory or something that wd interest your students. 2. how wd u relate malala to ur students? i mean do u think students will happily do this becos teacher said so? will they?

    2. Hi ma'am. I assumed that the excerpt and the audio itself would interest the students. They are worthy enough to give goosebumps to the kids. The audio with Malala's powerful voice, the incessant welcome applause, all these would interest the students. The excerpt from the novel is about the day Malala got shot. It ends at a crucial point (with a gun shot). This kindles the curiosity in the students. So I guessed this would be the preparatory itself.
      About your second question, I decided my topic to be Malala after a lot of brainstorming. Obama, Tharoor, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Robin Sharma, Sundar Pichai, Jayalalithaa, were some other options which I thought would be feasible. But none of these were as relatable to the students as Malala. Being a universally influential girl of almost the same age, I hope the students will be happy and excited to do this.
      Thank you ma'am.

  6. Good afternoon Madam,
    Lesson plan for the first two classes on Teaching English Pronunciation-Basic
    Aim: To introduce the phonemes and phonemic transcription of English language and to enhance the students ability to recognize Phoneme in a given word and its transcription.
    Time: 100 minutes ( 2 classes, 50 minutes each)
    Materials: Board & chalk, worksheets prepared by the teacher,
    Audio clips of phonemes(CEPD)
    Model: Lab Rotation
    Level: Tertiary
    Number of Students: 40
    For the first 20 minutes, the teacher will give a worksheet which is considered to be the pre-test, in which the students are asked to identify and underline the words given in the worksheet. The students will be speaking and recording those words in Praat. This recording will be done in a language lab.
    5 minutes to arrange themselves
    For the next 25 minutes: Later, in the classroom, they will be introduced to the basic phonemes. First, only vowel sounds will be taught by the teacher. The transcription and examples of each phoneme will be given. After teaching all the 20 vowels sounds, the teacher will pronounce the phonemes and the students are asked to familiarize with it for the next class.
    In the second class, the students will be given a worksheet and are asked to write the phonemic transcription of the vowels sounds in the words in the first column, according to their own knowledge from their first class.(for 10 minutes)
    5 minutes to arrange themselves
    Later, they will be taken to the language lab, the same words will be played through CEPD and the students are asked to write the transcription of the vowel sound in the second column of the same worksheet. After all this, the students again asked to record the words in Praat. (for about 20 minutes)
    Then, the evaluation of the recorded and written scripts will take place by both teacher and students in the last 15minutes. The comparison between the pre-test and the post- test will be evaluated.
    Extension activity
    The students will be given plenty words to recognize the phonemes which would be having the vowel sounds which are similar to one another. It would be a chaotic situation to recognize the sounds for the fresh learners. It would stimulate the students to learn more on their own. So that they will be participating in the class because of the doubts the students will have in the next class.
    Praat: Free computer software package for the scientific analysis of speech in phonetics.
    CEPD: Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary

    Thank you Madam.

    1. hi
      plan looks detailed. but why phonemes at tertiary level? what is the logic behind teaching them phonemes? needs better justification. and lesson plan was supposed to be for one class. this goes to two classes. And pre-test and post test? for class activity?

    2. Hi Ma’m. The target students are assumed to be the first generation graduates, from rural background and the students of English Literature, so I have taken tertiary level. And, sorry mam, I have failed to include this that this is a lesson plan for the first class on “Teaching English Pronunciation-Basic”. So, I have included pre-test and post-test. Since there must be coherence between the lesson plan and the lessons, I have taken 2 classes to detail my Aim .

  7. Good evening, mam.
    Lesson Plan
    TITTLE: The wooden bowl by Leo Tolstoy
    This class on “The Wooden Bowl” by Leo Tolstoy takes up writing and speaking skills of the students at secondary level. It tries to develop their writing and speaking skills of the students. The main method used in this class is station rotation method.
    AIM: The main focus is to enable the students to develop their writing skills and to enhance their speaking skills.
    TIME: 90 minutes (45 mins+45 mins, two days)
    MATERIALS: projector, pen and paper, video of this short story and photocopy of the short story.
    LEVEL: class Nine.
    PROCEDURE: First, the teacher will explain the story using the ppt. The teacher will start the class by asking questions focusing on their grandparents because this short story focuses on the importance of grandparents. Then the teacher would take class on this short story. After explaining the story the class will be divided into groups. If there are thirty students in a class they will be divided into group of five and each group will have six members in the group. Each group will move from one station to another. Each group will be given 12 to 15 minutes.
    In station 1
    The teacher will give some small group instructions. The teacher will ask the students to do a write up on their understanding of the short story. They should submit it on the end of the class.
    In station 2
    The students will have a small group collobration. They will discuss their ideas and plans to finish the works assigned by the teacher. They will also plan their activities inorder to finish it on time.
    In station 3
    Each group will discuss their opinions and their ideas of this lesson. They will try to put the keys first. They will discuss their points and every students in the group should give some points. They will just write it roughly.
    In station 4
    The group will go to computer. They will watch the video summary of the lesson. This will help them not only to understand the story but it will also help them to think more about the story which would also add some points to their write up which they have done earlier in station 3.
    Station 5
    In this station each group will prepare their write up and finish it neatly and submit to the teacher.
    This can be helpful for the students to understand the story better and also to improve their writing skills and they can also learn to work in groups. This method can be considered very beneficial because at a time it can focus on listening, speaking and writing skills.
    EXTENSION ACTIVITY: The students will be asked to analyze and explain the values they have learnt from their grandparents. They will be asked to speak about it for 2 to 3 minutes.
    I have chosen this story and this method because of the following reason. The short story teaches the value to students and the reason for choosing this method is because group work will make the students to interact with each other. Sometimes group work is also fun when compared to doing the work alone. In this type of learning online learning would be icing on the cake because when they work in group there will be lot fun and learning similarly online learning will help them to learn better and it also fun . Hence, I chose this station method.

    1. story idea is fine and rotation model is also ok. but what students shd do in each station is not clear. station 1 is told explicitly, others are not. infact in station 2 what activities are they doing. further writing shd be last after all brainstorming. when u divide the students, are u telling one student group wd brainstorm ideas in one station whereas other group will write abt it before brainstorming. The process is not graded, and vague.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Good evening mam, Sorry for elaborating and confusing my lesson plan. I have given below precisely about what each student's will do in each station.

      Station 1.

      The teacher will teach the story and then students will be given instructions, regarding the write up task based on the story.

      Station 2.

      Students will plan their timings,for example, how many minutes should they discuss? How many minutes should they write the rough draft? And other time managements.

      Station 3.

      They will discuss the story and write the points based only on what the teacher taught them.

      Station 4.

      They will browse the story and read the summary or watch animated summary where both the links are kept ready in the computer. After finishing this they will add some more points which they have missed and they can also add their own interpretation.

      Station 5.

      Each groups will put down all the points which they have gathered in station 3 and station 4.They will write down the important points neatly and submit it to the teacher.

      Mam and for the second question I would say that, each group will work separately they will be allotted particular timings. Each group will move from one station to another and all the necessary arrangements and necessary technologies will be given to each group.

  8. Good evening mam this is shakthi vendhan
    Title:wreck of the Deutschland by G.M.Hopkins
    Class:9th standard
    Materials:pen,paper,computer, projector,board,chalk
    Aim: To teach the poem and also the different styles of the language that the poet has used
    Time: 60 Min (2 classes 30+30 mins)
    Procedure:In the first class the teacher will provide a sheet of paper to each student and will ask to write the parts of speech and also to provide examples for each.
    The class will be divided into 2 halves. The first half will be taken to the laboratory and will be shown some pictures with regards to the poem. Were,the second half will be made to sit in the class and will be asked to discuss different usages of words. The teacher will also make the learners listen to the audio of the poem.After the completion of the first group,the second half will be invited.
    In the next class the teacher will speak about the different types of words that the poet has used and it ways it could be employed in the normal day to day speaking.When once the poetry is over, the learners will be made to read the poem in the class.
    At last a group discussion will be done about the poem
    Extension activity: The students will be asked to prepare list of words that could be employed in different forms
    Reason for my choice:This type of teaching will make the learners to understand the usage of words and they will also learn to utilise good vocabulariesand will also learn different and good writing styles l.since the class is big I chose Rotation method.
    Thank you mam.

    1. what is the need for showing pictures about the poem???

    2. Words like wreck,etc can be understood and remembered by the learner very easily. Because of this process, learners can relate with the words and images while teaching the poem. So I decided to have a picture show.
      Thank you mam. Sorry for the very late reply.

  9. Good evening mam this is gayathri
    Title: Oliver twist by Charles dickens
    Class:B.A.English 1st year
    Time:60 minutes (30+30) 2 days
    Materials:text book, computer, pen ,paper.
    Model: flipped classroom
    Aim: To teach the text and also to develop critical thinking and narrating skill.
    Procedure: As it was flipped classroom the classroom had a traditional way of teaching which involves teaching the story to the students at first. I first gives detailed description of the story and also the background information regarding the story in a classroom. I made the students to speak about what I taught in the classroom at first day then I will give homework to the students which involves technology by giving worksheets regarding the story about giving such situations where the boy Oliver faces in this story and made the students to relate such situations to the real life context. I will made them to give different conclusion for the story which enhances their ability to think critically. I will give the random sequences of story and make them to rearrange it.
    In the next class the detailed study of the story that is made the students to deliver whatever they know about the story and also the different viewpoints regarding the story. The discussion will take place about the incorporation of different theories in a text by the students in a classroom then the narrating skill of the students was motivated. The first 30 minutes was spend in a classroom and the next 30 minutes was spend in a home where every student can find comfortable in doing the work. I will give them some pictures regarding the story and made them to connect with the story as a homework.
    Extension activity: The students will be asking to create their own story based on the same situation in the story of Oliver twist or can be asked to narrate.
    Reason for my choice: The students will have the ability to narrate the story and to think critically as the story concerns with content that suits to the real life of the poor. While discussing the content and in the narration part students get an opportunity to speak. The art writing was enhanced when they are asked to imagine and write a story on same situation where Oliver faces in his life.

    1. this is not flipped class but more of a traditional class

  10. Madam, this is Ramu K sorry for the late reply mam due to some personal problem i can't submit my answer in time mam.

    Good Evening Mam.

    I have taken the poem ODE ON A GRECIAN URN by JOHN KEATS for study in order to stimulate the student’s creative skills and aesthetic sense to write poems. I have chosen the Rotation Model and have used Lab Rotation to depict and convey my thoughts about the poem. The following is the lesson plan that I have written for this purpose.

    Name of the Topic :- ODE ON A GRECIAN URN by JOHN KEATS
    Aim :- To stimulate the student’s creative skills and aesthetic sense to
    write poems.
    Time Duration :- 50 Minutes [1 Period]

    Materials :- Uses of audio visual aids, PPT’s and a jar like Urn with the theme
    painted over it

    Level :- 10TH Std

    Procedure Used :- The Rotation Model and the Lab Rotation under Blended Learning

    50 students of my class will be bifurcated into 25 students. One group
    is assigned to the classroom and other may be engaged in the Language communication Lab.

    The group at the classroom will be facilitated by the teacher himself. The teacher will conduct a extrapolation technique for the first ten minutes. The classes will include showing the Urn, the theme painted material to the students and ask the students to describe the poem by seeing the Urn.
    And also the Urn was made out by some light setting with graphics. In this way I use the technology very effectively to arouse the attention of the students.
    Finally I ask the students to make this kind of experiment to some other poem. The same technique I followed to the next batch students.

    Assessment :- Finally I ask the students to make this kind of experiment to some
    other poem. In this way I provoke interest to the students to learn
    poems and love literature.

    Thank You Mam.
    Yours truly

  11. Mam, this is Ashlin
    Title: The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde
    Aim: To enhance the speaking skills and to improve the vocabulary of the students.
    Time: 90min (45+45min,2periods)
    Materials: pen,paper,computer.
    Level: Secondary Level (9th)
    Procedure: The teacher has already send the link of the story and it's summary to the students and ask them to prepare. In the first class the teacher will discuss the story with the students and ask the students to summarize and express their own ideas individually. Meanwhile the teacher as well interact with the students to make them understand better. In the next class the teacher will divide the class in to small groups and asks them to write the new words and it's meaning that they have come across in the story. It enhances the students vocabulary.
    Extension Activity: The teacher ask the students to write down the sentence for new words which they have learnt.

    1. what about blended model you are supposed to use?

  12. The Road Not Taken
    Launch Audio in a New Window
    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim,
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.
    Lesson Plan
    TITTLE: The Road Not Taken
    This activity focuses mainly on listening and reading skills. Some speaking and writing activities also happen here. Here the station rotation method is followed.
    AIM: Enhancement of rhetorical aural/oral and speaking skills through reading and listening skills.
    TIME: 90 minutes (45 mins +45 mins, two hours)
    Outside the classroom- Camera, Mobile/recorder
    Inside the classroom- Notebook, pen, book and recorder, OHP

    LEVEL: Tertiary
    PROCEDURE: Students are taken to the nearby forest. They are asked to take photographs of the trees, routes that have been noticed on the way. People without camera can note down the known vocabulary things that they found in that location. Mobiles too can be used for the recording purpose. Once they returned from the forest the teacher showed the forest through OHP and made them listen to the poem with focus on rhymes and vocabulary. They have been divided into groups while first group drew the picture of woods, second group collected the maximum vocabulary, third group enlisted the available grammatical structures, fourth group narrated summary and the last group analyzed and interpreted the poem. Each group was given 7 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to present.

    In station 1
    Few students were asked to take photographs, few were asked to record the various sounds, few had drawn the picture.

    In station 2
    Few students were asked to note down the vocabulary, few others noted the rhymes and the rhythms .

    In station 3
    Few students noted the grammatical items while others bothered about the structure.

    In station 4
    Few students wrote the summary while others framed short question and answers.
    In station 5
    The poem was analyzed, compared , contrasted and interpreted.
    EXTENSION ACTIVITY: The students will be asked to make a poster on the need of growing forest. 5 minutes will be allotted for the task.
    The students at the tertiary level may not know as to what path they need to select after their UG Program. This poem is an eye opener for them. Poems like this help the students to stabilize their dreams and thereby helps to escalate in the ladder of success. It motivates them to be responsible citizens and this poem is replica of all dual situations in life. The split personalities that exist in all human beinge lack of emotional intelligence, the need for practical wisdom, etc are implicitly stated in this poem.


    1. few students doing onething and another few doing another thing. where is the synthesis happening? what kind of learning is happening?

  13. Name of the lesson plan activity: INTRODUCE YOURSELF!
    Aim: To focus young learners introduce themselves in English
    Skill focus: Speaking
    Target Students: Primary level
    Material used: Black board & chalk or Interactive White Board(IWB) & pen
    Method: Individual Method
    Procedure: As a teacher, first, I introduce myself to the class, pausing after each phrase. For instance: I am Pallavi. I am a teacher. I am 23 years old. I am from Chennai. I love reading books. Then again, introduce myself to the class, pausing after each phrase. When I introduce myself again, I will write down each sentence on the board.
    Now, I will make the students to introduce themselves. They can use the phrases on the board as a model.
    Once they have all introduced themselves, they can change details like name, age, place,etc., and introduce themselves as any of their favourite fictional/cartoon characters. They may make up these details as they wish. When they are about to change their identity and introduce themselves as other characters, as a teacher I will encourage them. By doing so, class would be more funny and interactive. For instance: I am Cinderella. I am a beautiful girl. I love fairy world.
    Stage & Timing:
    Stage 1- Teacher introduces herself (5min)
    Stage 2- Teacher introduces herself again and writes the expression used on the board (5min)
    Stage 3- Students introduce themselves
    Stage 4- Students create fake identities for themselves(30min)
    Extension Activity: Students(young learners) are encouraged to watch cartoons at home. New research reports that children are highly benefited from watching cartoons. So it is a great idea to encourage children the best cartoons that help them to learn English language. In the cartoon shows that are specifically for small children, the language will be simple English so that they can understand the conversations and they get the opportunity to learn many new words in English. When they find that they are able to understand the meaning of the conversation they get more interest. Thus they also develop the habit of improving their language skills.

    1. what is individual method?

    2. Sorry mam. It is flipped classroom. Not individual rotation.

  14. I'm sri subeiksha p m

    TITLE : Owl and Pussy cat poem by Edward Lear


    TIME: one hour

    MATERIAL:Poem,audio, video,lab, chalk and black board.
    YOU TUBE : resourse
    Jan 3, 2010 - Uploaded by Gil Manor
    Poem by Edward Lear. Animation & Design: Gil Manor. Illustrations: Avital Manor.
    Dec 5, 2012 - Uploaded by ESL and Popular Culture
    PLease see my Poetry Playlists William Wordsworth Poetry ...
    IMAGES: you tube resourse
    Jan 3, 2010 - Uploaded by Gil Manor
    Poem by Edward Lear. Animation & Design: Gil Manor. Illustrations: Avital Manor.
    Dec 5, 2012 - Uploaded by ESL and Popular Culture
    PLease see my Poetry Playlists William Wordsworth Poetry ...



    LEVEL OF STUDENTS: 4th,8th, u.g 1st yr students.
    PROCEDURE: teacher has to take control over their learning in passive manner for certain case and active in activity base work. 4th standard students has to read, see picture, video, listen audio for their understanding and encourage them to the write some nonsense poem for four line. it will improve their imaginative skill in thinking as well as writing in case they are not understand the poem than teacher will read and explain it in detailed manner and little about author and other stupid poems similar to this.

    8th standard students has to do same task in home with given materials and write creative work as writing and enacting on stage.

    U.G 1st yr students has analysis or interpretation of the poem with above example in class and must present in the class or can send in PPT to mail or blog. other work has write some nonsense poem of lear in class.other task has script writing of same poem in different version and can be enacted in class or can be animated work or in cartoon book let form, can be enacted outside class and recorded it as video or audio form can be submitted to teacher in any mode.

    motivation: Extra poem can be read in home for all stages

    WHAT TEACHER IS DOING: She /He will monitor the students are doing on time or completing in a given period of time for creative work and correction can be carried out in each stage .it has to be thought in class or lab.

    WHAT STUDENT IS DOING: it is individual rotation method so they has do all according to their task or activity .

    EXTENSION ACTIVITY : refer other nonsense poem of other authors in English as well as their mother tong.

    1. concept is good but needs clear description of what student is doing in individual rotation

    2. the 4th grade student has to write four line poem in class and it can be corrected.
      the 8th grade student has to enact it on the stage which can be helpful for drama in future than the teacher will lead the students in proper manner for perfect drama
      The U.G 1st yr may come to class for their correction on their work or may do it on home also but some may not have facility in home for them class.

      what are the materials read in home can be discussed in class infront of teacher, it is happening in individual rotation.
      All are learning in fast manner with the help of computer or internet so too many things are doing at a time but they didnt learn on traditional method of learning which leads to multitalent.

  15. I have chosen Robert Frost’s ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ in order to teach the students a short non-narrative poem. Station rotation will be used for effective implementation of tasks. The following is the lesson plan of the class.
    Title: Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening.
    Aim : To introduce the poem which could make a deep impact on the readers especially, its content and its simplicity.
    Time : 50 Minutes (1period)
    Materials : Use of Videos, Photocopy of the poem.
    Level: Tertiary Level.
    Strength : A class of 60 students from Arts and Science College.
    Method Adopted: Rotation Model and Station Rotation under Blended learning.
    Procedure: The teacher will start with a discussion on the various other poems of Frost. Then the teacher will explain them the special features of the poem. This poem is one of Frost’s best-known lyrics which include the various forms of lyrics. In this stage, two videos will be shown to the student to raise their curiosity. Online learning takes place with the help of videos. One video is about the thick snowy forest and the other one will have the image of Pandit Nehru. Showing these videos the teacher will ask them to relate the facts that the Indians have a great affinity for the poem. The students get to know that this poem touched the heart of Nehru. His love for this poem came to light when a piece of paper bearing the last four lines of the poem noted down by Jawaharlal Nehru in his diary. The last stanza of the poem,
    “The Woods are lovely, dark and deep
    But I have promises to keep
    And miles to go before I sleep
    And miles to go before I sleep”. The students are asked to interpret these lines which are highly philosophical. The poet asks the readers to fulfill their duties before they get into the ‘eternal sleep’ that is death.
    Extensive activity: They are asked to write a critical appreciation on this poem. This task will enable the students to learn the power of words and its impact on the readers and it will also bring a new insight among them and motivate the students to reach their goal or destination.

    1. students are asked to interpret the highly philosophical lines on their own???


Evaluating a website

We have discussed about this briefly. giving you more details for reading i am uploading this ppt too.  This is an embedded Microsoft Off...