Sunday 24 September 2017

Best websites for listening activity!

Browse a few websites and a select a best one that can be used for teaching listening! You can give more than one but not more than three!
Deadline : 02.10.2009


Write your own short story or about a story you have read in a tweet of 140 characters. Ideally speaking you should be tweeting it to me @spriyaram but as many of you dont have twitter account, you can post it in your blog. please put the number of characters at the end of your story. Even a space is to be counted as a character. 
deadline is next monday! (02.10.2009)

Sunday 17 September 2017

Evaluate a website!

Dear Students
Choose a website of your choice and evaluate it based on the discussed criteria.
Click on the link below for a few questions that will help in the evaluation.
Questions for evaluation

Complete the evaluation checklist given to you and submit it in the next class.
Evaluation checklist is available here. 

Deadline for this activity is next monday class.(25th september)

Evaluating a website

We have discussed about this briefly. giving you more details for reading i am uploading this ppt too.  This is an embedded Microsoft Off...